Domestic poker is generally the size of bridge, the size is 57*88mm, suitable for all poker games, friends with small hands or female magicians also use it to perform.
The international standard playing card size refers to a card of 63*88mm, which is very common in Europe and the United States. Foreigners generally use it to play cards, and ordinary magicians use it to perform.
There are no certain standard specifications for playing cards of extra large and small sizes, and usually no one will use them. Only magicians use them to perform some magic effects.
1) Advertising playing cards and bridge specifications: 8.7×5.7cm (single payment, double payment, four payment);
2) Mini playing card specifications: 3.7x6cm 3.7×5.7cm 4×5.7cm;
3) Big playing card specifications: 8.8×6.3cm 8.7×6.2cm;
4) Spanish playing cards (one pair of 40/50 cards) specifications: 9.5×6.2cm 8.7×5.7cm;
5) German playing cards (a pair of 55/54/32 cards) specifications: 9×5.7cm 8.7×5.7cm 9.1×5.9cm;
6) French playing cards (a pair of 78/54/32/44 cards) specifications: 11.3x6cm 8.7×5.7cm 8.6×5.6cm;
7) Italian playing card specifications: 8.3×5.2cm 9.4×5.1cm;
8) Russian playing cards (54/36 cards in one pair) specifications: 9×5.7cm 8.7×5.7cm;
9) Extra large playing card specifications: 13×8.5cm 14.2×8.55cm;
10) Plastic playing cards (single pay / double pay) specifications: 8.7×5.7cm 8.7×6.2cm 9.5×6.2cm.